Customer Success Stories
Learn how different organizations conquered their mountain of documents.
Clinton County
Clinton County was on the verge of an overwhelming crisis: their paper records, amassed over decades, had grown into a massive, unsustainable burden. With millions of records piling up, storage wasn't just inconvenient—it was a financial nightmare. They were facing the prospect of costly structural reinforcements just to keep their new building from buckling under the weight, equivalent to a Boeing 747.
Howard County Courts
Howard County was one weekend away from losing decades of irreplaceable records. A sink left running over the weekend flooded the basement, threatening to destroy thousands of critical files. It wasn’t just water damage—they were staring down the risk of mold buildup, which could ruin everything they were required to preserve. The county faced a nightmare: if they didn’t act fast, decades of valuable records could be gone forever, along with compliance, data security, and trust.
Servant Solutions
Servant Solutions was being crushed under the weight of inefficiency. Every day, stacks of paper slowed down their operations, devouring time and resources. Productivity had taken a hit, but what really kept them up at night was the toll on their bottom line. Paper wasn't just cluttering their offices—it was eating away at their profit.
Bremen Public Schools
The Bremen, IN school system had around 140,000 paper records dating back to 1939 stored in their basement. Motivated by an unfortunate malfunction, they had Document Mountain transform their entire library of paper documents, microfilm rolls, and microfiche into a keyword searchable digital system.
Johnston County Health Department
An ordinary government health department in NC decides to transform 1,200,000 pages of their health records. Learn how they stepped into a new era of accuracy and productivity with the help of the Document Mountain team.
Sampson County Veteran Services
To provide necessary services for those who have put their lives on the line for our country, the Department of Veterans Affairs Administration requires the appropriate documentation. For this office in NC, the time it took to locate these documents meant veterans weren’t getting the care and resources they needed in time.

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